Provenance trial establishment, it means growing and comparative assessment of seed posterity of different geographical origin in one growing site is a main method for studying geographical variability of inherited traits of different tree species. Studying the posterities of different climatypes in their growth and resistance under the same forest conditions allows to evaluate geographical conditionality of their characteristics and features as well as to reveal best climatypes.
Forest plantations also assist not only to reveal high productive tree climatypes but they are of great importance in remaining the biodiversity of tree species. They provide information on variability of tree species from those geographical zones from which seed samples of specific populations and individuals have been transported.
In the south of Krasnoyarsk krai at foothills of West Sayan in Yermakovsky leskhos the provenance trial was established in the years 1983 and 1988. This provenance trial is presented by five sites of Siberian pine origin: Kemerovo oblast, tashtagolsky climatype; Tomsk oblast, shegarsky and vasyugansky climatypes; Krasnoyarsky krai, yermakovsky and severo- yeniseisky climatypes; two sites of Korean pine as well – Khabarovsky krai, obluchensky climatype and Primorsky krai, chuguevsky climatype.
In the first growth years the tending of plantations was in handmade weeding in lines and grass mowing between lines. From 1983 to 1985 and later every five years the year-to-year studying the growth and state of small plantlets was conducted. Total height, length of terminal shoot, radial growth, amount of branches in a node, capacity of plantlets for survival – all this was evaluated therewith. Beginning from the 10- year age the development of reproductive organs was observed, seed and pollen producing was studied. Size of cones and seeds was measured, seed and pollen viability was assessed.
Under optimal growing conditions (Yermakovsky leskhos – Severo-Sayansky forest seed region) the local Siberian pine and Siberian pine from Tomsk oblast (Shegaro- Chulymsky forest seed region) had approximately similar growth and viability characteristics.
The experiment of growing Korean pine in Krasnoyarsky krai should be considered especially. This tree species may be recommended for mass introduction to forests in Middle Siberia as an ornamental tree to anthropogenic landscapes as well as for getting food seeds (Iroshnikov, Tvelenev, 1999). Both species of Korean pine growing in Yermakovsky leskhos are highly competitive with Siberian pine in viability and increment. Average increment of Korean pine for three years is higher than that one of local Siberian pine. Studies conducted currently allow to assess perspectives for Korean pine introduction.
This study was supported by the RFFI grant N 07-04-00-292.
Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition